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TPI meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month on zoom.  See Events page for details.

To read the Minutes from Intergroup Meetings Click here.

TPI's Vision: Invigorating our OA® Community through Abstinence and Action


TPI's Mission: Increase interest and participation in the meetings and activities of TPI and carry the message that long-term recovery is possible through abstinence and working the 12 steps.

TPI is the abbreviation for the Turning Point Intergroup which serves the north side of Chicago and surrounding areas.

TPI activities include organizing Marathons of Meetings, hosting retreats,  maintaining a meeting list of local meetings, providing a Zoom account  for online meetings, and representing our local fellowship in the larger service bodies.



An essential TPI activity is to support OA® newcomers and members who want to start a new meeting. If you’re interested in starting a new meeting on Zoom, online or via phone, contact and we will direct you to the resources you need.

 What is TPI?

An intergroup is a grouping of OA® meetings usually by geographic area 

  • to serve the needs of  the member groups

  • to participate in the larger fellowship of OA as a whole

  • to carry the message of recovery from compulsive eating through the 12 steps

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